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    Restaurant menu is undoubtedly one of the factors affecting the ordering rate. It is full of pictures and clear primary and secondary. The menu carefully designed and manufactured for the transmission of selling points and the recommendation of dishes can not only become a bright spot to attract consumers, but also increase the order quantity of consumers.
    Jinan recipe design


    Every restaurant needs a well-designed menu with a full menu in hand. But what about restaurants that are small, beautiful or literary? The front desk is the best place to order, while the menu on the wall is the most intuitive. Welcome. What can I do for you? If a store is the first step to attract customers, the front desk is the first step to start business. Close shop assistants, exquisite exhibits, eye-catching background walls, top-down light... The front desk area seems to be a business card handed out by the store to every customer who enters the store. Whether this "business card" will enable customers to initiate contact on their own initiative - the front menu, depends on the function of the front menu.
    Menu Design, Restaurant Menu Design
    Of course, you can also let customers directly look at the recipes, but these thin recipes on the desktop at the front desk, it seems a little stingy. At the front desk, menus can be designed more boldly. After all, there are no less Sales Secrets in this space than in store design. Jump out of the traditional A4 menu size and jump commodity and price information on the background wall of the front desk. Enlarged fonts can not only make the menu reach the customers in front of the desk, but also affect the people queuing and sitting idly in the shop. Why not?
    Want to do Jinan recipe design, look for us, more professional.