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          Is Jinan recipe template suitable for catering? Come in and tell you that many friends feel that Jinan recipe template is relatively fast and convenient, which is beyond doubt, can be directly made in a short time and other recipes and used in restaurants.
         Is the recipe design template really suitable for catering?
    Look at the restaurant's pursuit, if the restaurant likes what he makes now, it can use the template to make recipes. It's OK to compare people who are satisfied with the status quo and are unwilling to pursue new things or more money. So, looking at the demand of the restaurant to determine the recipe style, the three major disadvantages of using the recipe template 1. The people who use the template more often are generally in order to quickly make the restaurant online business profitable. PS: Maybe your favorite template is the one that many people use. Then we design and make our own design and production here refers to minor modifications in the original template. If this template is used in the rotten street, our second problem will arise.



    2. The problem of visual fatigue is derived from our first topic. It also needs to see the orientation of catering. If you open a restaurant on the street without a restaurant, you can skip over my topic directly. Here, the editor can only give some examples to show a certain degree of popularity. When you enter the restaurant, you will find that the recipes are the same. Consumers'perception of visual fatigue affects well-known restaurants.
    3. Serious and restaurant positioning is not in line with each restaurant has its own unique style, if there is a restaurant and their own restaurant positioning is not in line with the words, it is very eye-catching, there is an idiom to describe it as "stand out from the crowd". If they are not accustomed to it, consumers will greatly discount the restaurant impression score, the template is the same, to find a consistent. It's really difficult to make a template for your own catering positioning. Is it suitable to make a template for recipe design and production that we share with you?
    Relevant interpretation, the main customers of catering is "repeat customers" rather than a hammer sale, therefore, would like to spend more money to make recipes customized, good for their own restaurant. It is suggested to choose Jetta Cookbook Company. We plan photographic design of dishes for many catering enterprises, bind and print recipes, and improve the brand image of restaurants. With Jetta recipes, you will get more mature brand building services. We are customer-oriented, but also challenge each other, and strive to present the best brand building results.