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    After the recipes have been revised by professional recipe companies, the turnover has soared!
    The importance of recipes to restaurants is obvious. It seems that a simple book, a tool, can produce immeasurable value. How to create a plan to make your menu worth millions. So this article will tell you about the professional formula company formula modification, turnover has soared!
    When it comes to menu innovation, we have to mention Yang Xingji. After reducing the menu from more than 200 dishes to 38 dishes, Yang Xingji's skunk fish turnover has reached a very high level, and his brand has also made a qualitative leap, becoming a catering brand.
    The image and value of a brand should be accurately conveyed to customers through your recipes. The main color of your restaurant plan and menu plan should be consistent with your product.

    For example, displaying high-end and fine-crafted products, formula planning often highlights serious and classical charm, and color selection is often dark series. Young fashionable fast food brands often like bright colors such as red and yellow. Healthy light foods, fruits and vegetables, fruits and juice drinks are often dominated by healthy colors such as green. Therefore, menu planning should highlight brand image and embody brand value.


    Many good restaurants regularly update their menus, adjust their products according to sales volume, and make the most popular dishes a signature dish. According to the customer's purchase behavior, we vote on the dishes and decide that the menu reform is more suitable for shopping malls. The results of customer inspections are more convincing than those of planners themselves.
    Traditional recipes are monotonous and the online template is one-sided. For many restaurants, the menu serves as a price list to let customers know the price of the product. How can such recipes stand out and guide consumers to consume?
    An innovative restaurant, innovation should be reflected in every place, menu is the most important. Menus are different in form, plan and layout. People can enjoy them. Who doesn't want two more dishes as symbols of inspiration?
    良好的配方规划以整体的经济价值,让客户在不知不觉中花费更多的钱,同时也感受到了优良的品质和合理的价格。聪明的食品品牌早已洞悉一切,所以在菜单上会有超低价格的特色,有利润更高的主菜,有速度更快的出招牌菜……这是不同功能类别产品更具价值的组合。好的,关于食谱制作Good formula planning with the overall economic value, so that customers unconsciously spend more money, but also feel the good quality and reasonable price. Smart food brands already know everything, so on the menu there will be ultra-low price features, the most profitable main course, the fastest out of the signature dishes... This is the most valuable combination of products of different functional categories. Okay, about recipe making