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    There are very few restaurant guests, which may be your sign is not conspicuous! Low customer consumption, it must be that your recipe production has no guiding force! Generally speaking, many restaurants will regularly update the menu design, and then adjust the menu according to the latest research of the restaurant and the different sales volume of the whole restaurant.
    Menu Design, Professional Formula Manufacturing, Formula Manufacturing Company如果精心设计的菜单,内容密集,没有审美半天也找不到关键,这样的菜单让顾客在视觉上疲劳,更不用说与营销的影响。
    If a well-designed menu is dense in content and can't find the key without aesthetics for half a day, such menu will make customers visually tired, let alone with the influence of marketing.



    But professional recipe production is different, the content of the sequence can be divided into according to the order of primary and secondary schools, which not only meets the needs of customers to find the corresponding varieties, but also adapts to the research results of market development. Here are some orders of traditional Chinese food: professional, cold dishes, hot dishes, family cooking, steamed vegetables, soup, snacks, drinks; Western dishes: appetizers - soup - Salad - main dish - sandwich - dessert - grape. Alcohol. Such a clear classification, coupled with some innovative ideas and image color collocation, brings visual impact to customers and guides them to pay willingly. Such menu design is the most valuable.
    Jinan Huaxi Recipe Manufacturing Center, Good Recipe Manufacturing Company is a large company specializing in catering brand design and production. Our company also has senior catering consultants and document planning. Assuming you have menu design requirements, a phone call, our sales manager will show you examples, answers, through communication, we will talk to you in a professional way, looking forward to your cooperation!