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    When we design restaurant recipes, we not only pay attention to the unification of design style, but also need pictures and texts of dishes. When consumers enter a restaurant with a certain range of restaurants, with recipes open, it is regular. If it's a small restaurant, maybe it's not supported by pictures, maybe it's just a simple list of words.
    Restaurant recipe design
    If there are pictures of dishes to support the design of restaurant recipes, there are even some cultural explanations of dishes. It is very convenient for ordering consumers, especially for some special dishes. Perhaps the ingredients of these dishes are comparatively common in our life, but the restaurant has a comparatively elegant name, so many people can not guess what kind of dish this dish is, or what kind of ingredients it is. But after providing a picture, it can deepen people's understanding more and more, and it can also play a role of explanation.
    Restaurant recipe design

    For example, some unheard of dishes, do not know how, do not know how delicious, if there is a picture attached to the back, it can play a role of both pictures and texts, even if some dishes do not sound good, but with a picture, it can absorb people's appetite. For example, some dishes are better than others. Although most people don't want to eat this dish before they enter the restaurant, the picture once extended three feet, which can also play a promotional role.

    Restaurant recipe design
    Menu Design
    So it's really necessary for us to add some pictures of dishes in the restaurant recipe design. Even if the waiter explains to the consumers how delicious and delicious the dish is, it's only an auditory explanation, and some people will think that there is a suspicion of purchasing, it's better to give people a visual stimulation. But if you add a picture, it will make you appetite, so you don't need a waiter to explain it. People are naturally absorbed by the dishes.
    The above is the related content of Jinan recipe design, which we hope can help you. Our website is http://www.jnhxcp.com.