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    With the development of the network, not only can we complete online shopping, but also can stop ordering online. The range of recipe design used to be not only paper design, but also an electronic menu design. Electronic menu is convenient for customers to order, especially in the case of scavenging order. Ordinarily, there will be a two-dimensional code beside the dining table. After scanning the code, you can enter the menu's order or purchase bill. Moreover, a series of operations can stop on this page. You can order through scanning the code, buy the bill, return the dishes to urge the dishes, or participate in some of your special tastes and so on. It's convenient for restaurants to stop, and it's more convenient to order praise. It connects directly with the kitchen through the system and omits the waiter's running errands.

    Jinan recipe design

    Because of the development of ordering, how to stop the recipe design of ordering? That needs to adapt to this ordering system, because electronic menu is not a paper menu, so the design is more functional, it is not just some catering culture.
    Jinan recipe design
    Some people think that it will be more difficult to design the electronic menu for ordering, because the space is too small, but in practice, because of the development of network technology, the space of the electronic menu will be larger. Because it has a way of linking, such as looking at a dish, clicking on the dish can choose to order, but also can choose to deepen understanding, such as the introduction of the dish or the pictures of the dish, there are also some special requests, such as the ability to note less spicy, less sugar, or less salt, and so on. And some recipes are well designed. They can also view pictures of the dish and what ingredients it is made from through links. They can also see some of its functions, such as protein, or increase people's energy, or have some vitamin content.
    Jinan recipe design
    Because of the powerful function comparison of electronic menu, it is more and more in line with the people of recipe design. Because of its more function comparison, the scope of design becomes more and more common. So stop recipe design must be based on consumers, if I as a consumer, use such an electronic menu, what will be convenient, or what special requests, demand designers to deepen understanding. How is the recipe design requirement for order-free meals carried out? That's how much you can manipulate other people's electronic menus, and the demand tends to be utilitarian.