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    There are many kinds of advertising light boxes, from the most traditional advertising light boxes to all kinds of light-emitting materials light boxes, which are dazzling! Today, Xiaobian is counting light boxes with you.
    Dynamic light box
    Dynamic lamp box is a new lamp box in the current market. Simply speaking, it is a repeatable programmable background lighting LED light source to replace the traditional lamp box light source. Through editing action/intensity/speed of light rhythm changes, combined with image, artistic conception produces extremely dynamic aesthetic feeling and visual impact, and promotes the attention of a new type of lamp box advertisement.
    Ultra-thin light box
    Ultra-thin lamp box is a common composition of various profiles. The most commonly used combination of aluminium alloy profiles and acrylic profiles makes the use of profiles more and more fine. It is often used in enterprise product display. It is easy to install and replace the screen, and also makes it double-sided. Now it is also used in the display of corporate office culture slogans.
    Jinan order light box
    Labrador Soft Film Lamp Box
    Labu light box and Kabu light box are suitable for large-area advertisement, mostly used in metro, shopping mall and other places with larger space, which achieves three-dimensional effect through the accumulation of large screen and screen processing; these two light boxes can show better and better picture effect.
    Optical cloth box


    The lamp box is the most commonly used lamp box in the lamp box. It consists of shelf, lamps and peripheral lamp box cloth. The cost is low.
    Jinan order light box
    Plastic Lamp Box
    Plastic light box adopts stereoluminous word processing technology. Because of its stable quality, yak products have good transmittance, visionary effect, high compressive strength, no fading for more than ten years, bright as new, other light boxes, metal characters can not be compared with the characteristics, is the best choice of business sustainable management, a strong force.
    Crystal lamp box
    Crystal lamp box, also known as acrylic lamp box, its main part is composed of acrylic force and light source. This kind of lamp box can control the lateral flicker of led, so as to achieve the desired dynamic effect. Crystal dynamic light box is a new technology that adds a certain number of new technologies to make the flat screen achieve the effect of flickering, but also enhance the user's interaction. Convenient and simple, high brightness.
    Order light box
    Light box ordering is mainly used for Western-style catering such as KFC, McDonald's, milk tea shop, etc. as the main product hanging above the light box service desk.
    Individual light box
    Personalized light box is also a new requirement of the current market, that is to say, according to the individual needs of each individual customization, can customize to what extent? As long as you can think out, design, the manufacturer can help you do.
    Tip: How to identify the advertising light box?
    1. 接通电源后,检查灯箱的亮度和均匀性。灯箱越亮越均匀,质量越好
    1. Check the brightness and uniformity of the light box after switching on the power supply. The brighter the lamp box, the more uniform it is, the better its quality is.
    2. The thicker the light box is, the better the texture is.
    3. Look at the connection of the four corners of the light box. The smoother the foot is, the better
    4. 整体灯箱的图像清晰度和透光率越高,UV打印的图像效果越好。
    4. The higher the image clarity and transmittance of the whole lamp box, the better the image effect of UV printing.
    The main factors that determine the price of light boxes are LED lights, profiles, light guide panels, fluorescent screens, etc. Therefore, it is suggested that we should not choose the light boxes with price as the sole criterion, but choose the best products.
    These are the relevant contents of Jinan Dinner Light Box for you. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.jnhxcp.com.